Magazine de la plaisance


R.N.S.A. Twenty-Four

Le voilier R.N.S.A. Twenty-Four est un monocoque habitable de croisière, construit par le chantier Camper & Nicholson en Royaume-Uni. Ce voilier Quille fixe, gréé en Sloop fractionné, réalisé par l'architecte naval Laurent Giles avec un tirant d'eau maximum de 1.62 m. La production a démarré en 1947. 15 exemplaires du bateau ont été produits.
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RNSA = Royal Naval Sailing Association. One of the first 'offshore one-designs' and the brainchild of Capt. J.H. Illingworth, whose own R.N.S.A, 'Minx of Malham' proved the ideas success in it's first season. (RORC small-class championships of 1949.)
Boats of this design were also built in Hong Kong and Australia.RNSA = Royal Naval Sailing Association. One of the first 'offshore one-designs' and the brainchild of Capt. J.H. Illingworth, whose own R.N.S.A, 'Minx of Malham' proved the ideas success in it's first season. (RORC small-class championships of 1949.)
Boats of this design were also built in Hong Kong and Australia.

Fiche technique du R.N.S.A. Twenty-Four

2.29 mLargeur - Bau
4 377 kgDéplacement lège

Voir la fiche technique


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