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Magazine de la plaisance
Seaview-Progress  2023-2024


Aquila 36 Sport

Le bateau Aquila 36 Sport est un Cabin-cruiser, construit par le chantier Aquila Cataramans en Chine. Ce bateau à moteur mesure 9.94 m de long de 700 ch. maximum.
April Marine 2025 Liberty Pass 2025



Our Aquila 36 Sport Model is quickly becoming a game changer in the market and has proven to be one of top sellers. An outboard powered express cruiser, perfect for a family or two couples, with each hull housing a spacious cabin with en suite bathroom. She is also a great weekender for entertaining up to 20 adults for outings and barbeques.
Single level maindeck stretches flush from transom to bow. There is option of hardtop with glass windshield and side windows, which makes the boat semi-enclosed for all weather conditions with air-conditioning or heat. Standard aft area allows for a number of configurations from the standard seating arrangement - a console with grill as well as fishing option, with livewell and tackle station.

Fiche technique du Aquila 36 Sport

9.94 mLongueur de coque
4.45 mLargeur - Bau
8 800 kgDéplacement lège
3.05 mTirant d'air (hauteur maxi)
200 lVolume cuve à eau douce
700 chPuissance maxi (en ch)
1 350 lVolume cuve à carburant

Voir la fiche technique


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