Magazine de la plaisance

Looking for your expertise - navigation solutions

Patrick Kuett

Hello everyone,

my name is Patrick and I am a mba student currently working on a research project on the topic of digital trends in the marine industry. For that I am trying to better understand the needs of motorboat drivers. I am based in Germany and spoke to quite a few people here already, but as the boating habits are quite different on the french mediterranean coast, I was hoping to find a few people here who would be willing to jump on a call with me for 20 minutes max. I would be looking for "cruisers" that are frequently going to the coastal areas of the south coast with motorboats, typically day-trips or weekend-trips. I am interested in your general habits and you navigation solutions and other applications that you use to get up to date information, and also in individual navigation solutions such as tablet + apps.

I would appreciate your help a lot and if you want to participate, I would be happy if some reach to me here in the forum, with a direct message or on my email:

Kind regards,

Patrick Kuett

Since the responses seem to be rather slow, I checked with my supervisor and I can offer anyone who is willing to participate a 20€ Amazon Voucher !

Questions are easy and fairly general on how you use your boats, what a typical trip looks like, how you plan it and how you navigate on the trip.

Would be very happy if a few people would be willing to participate!

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