Magazine de la plaisance


Typhoon Dinghy (Proctor)

Le voilier Typhoon Dinghy (Proctor) est construit par J. Chippendale en Royaume-Uni. Ce monocoque, gréé en Sloop fractionné, réalisé par l'architecte naval Ian Proctor, mesure 4.42 m de long avec un tirant d'eau maximum de 0.67 m. La production a démarré en 1969 et s'est terminée en 1971.
Bateau disponible d'occasion
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Spin. 150 sq.ft.
2 crew racing dinghy. Class rules specified a one-design hull but open rig development. The boat and concept didn't take off and very few were built. (photo promised)Spin. 150 sq.ft.
2 crew racing dinghy. Class rules specified a one-design hull but open rig development. The boat and concept didn't take off and very few were built. (photo promised)Spin. 150 sq.ft.
2 crew racing dinghy. Class rules specified a one-design hull but open rig development. The boat and concept didn't take off and very few were built. (photo promised)Spin. 150 sq.ft.
2 crew racing dinghy. Class rules specified a one-design hull but open rig development. The boat and concept didn't take off and very few were built. (photo promised)Spin. 150 sq.ft.
2 crew racing dinghy. Class rules specified a one-design hull but open rig development. The boat and concept didn't take off and very few were built. (photo promised)

Fiche technique du Typhoon Dinghy (Proctor)

1.67 mLargeur - Bau
75 kgDéplacement lège
0.14 mTirant d'eau mini

Voir la fiche technique


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